
Ancient technique that transforms maize.


From the Nahuatl “nextamalli
nextil: ashes, tamalli: cooked corn dough.

Nixtamal is the result of cooking maize in an alkaline solution, this is achieved by the combination of maize, water, limestone and heat.

This reaction softens the seed’s skin and unwraps its nutrients.

Nixtamalization adds calcium, color, flavor, consistency, elasticity and makes the corn easier to digest.

This is how a true tortilla is made, this technique has been used by our ancestors for thousands of years.

Industrialized tortillas are made with subpar ingredients including hybrid and GMO corn.

The industrialized process usually removes nutritious fibers and adds chemical preservatives, texturizers, binders and more.

This results in an overly-processed tortilla with less calcium, taste and texture making them a low quality and non-nutritious product

maiz cal y agua

Maize, water and limestone


Change of color and smell in limestone solution

A great tortilla

Should only be made of 3 ingredients:

Maize. Water. Lime.

tortillas rosas
  • Is a great source of energy
  • Is rich in fiber
  • Rich in calcium
  • Gluten free
  • Free of chemical additives
  • Made from native/heirloom maize
  • Definitely doesn’t contain Maseca

Nixtamalized maize

Is the foundation of Mexican cuisine.
It is found in tamales, sopes, tostadas, tlayudas, tortillas, memelas …
and drinks such as atole and pozol to name a few.

tamal con chocolate